Absolute Dosimetry

Precise QA solutions

Absolute Dosimetry Products

IBA Dosimetry offers a complete range of solutions for absolute dosimetry.

Products include reference class electrometers, radiation detectors for dosimetry of photon and electron beams, and radioactive stability check devices.

Solid and small water phantoms support modern dosimetry protocols, e.g. AAPM TG-51 and IAEA TRS-398. All phantoms fulfill highest engineering standards to ensure optimal accuracy and durability. Prior to shipment, the equipment is calibrated in our SSDL calibration laboratory.

Absolute Dosimetry DOSE X Electrometer


Next-Generation Reference Class Electrometer
Absolute Dosimetry Solid Phantom

SP22 Solid Phantom

Constancy checks as well as for comparison measurements of ionization chambers.
Absolute Dosimetry Solid Phantom IBA Dosimetry

Plate Solid Phantoms

2D Water Phantom Solution for Beam Commissioning & Annual QA
Absolute Dosimetry Water Phantom WP34 IBA Dosimetry

WP34 Water Phantom

Absolute dose measurements with horizontal beam arrangement. For calibration of ionization chambers.
Absolute Dosimetry IBA Dosimetry Water Phantom

WP1D Water Phantom

1D stand-alone water phantom for absolute dose measurements

Beam Data Verification Audit

Monte-Carlo Beam Data Validation to independently validate commissioning beam

myQA Accept

Platform-based Beam Scanning uniquely connected to Patient QA and Machine QA
Ionization Chamber Razor Chamber IBA Dosimetry

Ionization Chambers & Detectors

Discover our complete range of ionization chambers and detectors for radiation dosimetry.

Talk With An Application Specialist

Explore our extensive product range with a complimentary consultation designed to ensure you select the ideal configuration for your clinical and departmental needs. Our experts will guide you through the selection process, providing support and insights to meet all your requirements. Schedule your free consultation today to enhance your radiation therapy services.


Talk with an application Specialist

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to arrange a consultation with our application specialists. 

Application Specialist Request Form

Request a Quote

Fill out the form below to request a quote. 

For additional methods of contact send us an email at info@sygma.gr or call us at (+30) 211 234 3332

Quote Request Form